Food corner

"Cooking, in effect, took part of the work of chewing and digestion and performed it for us outside of the body, using outside sources of energy. Also, since cooking detoxifies many potential sources of food, the new technology cracked open a treasure trove of calories unavailable to other animals. Freed from the necessity of spending our days gathering large quantities of raw food and then chewing (and chewing) it, humans could now devote their time, and their metabolic resources, to other purposes, like creating a culture."

Michael Pollan

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Cantonese proverb

"Anything that walks, swims, crawls, or flies with its back to heaven is edible."

Cantonese proverb

(The Chinese Kitchen by Eileen Yin-Fei Lo)


Fran Lebowitz on steak

"My favorite animal is steak." 

Fran Lebowitz


Brillat-Savarin on cheese and women

“A meal without some cheese is like a beautiful woman with only one eye.”



Gastón Acurio on eggs

"La magia del huevo en diez movimientos: Un gesto, pasado. Dos gestos, duro. Tres, poche. Cuatro, frito. Cinco, revuelto. Seis, omelette. Siete, tortilla. Ocho, merengue. Nueve, mayonesa, Diez souffle. De todos los miles de ingredientes del mundo, solo el huevo es capaz de dar tanto por tan poco."

- The magic of the egg in ten movements: One act, passed. Two acts, hard. Three, poached. Four, fried. Five, scrambled. Six, omelette. Seven, tortilla. Eight, meringue. Nine, mayonnaise. Ten, souffle. Of all the thousands of ingredients in the world, only the egg has the capacity to give so much for so little.

Gastón Acurio


Bolivian advice for soroche (altitude sickness)

Camina lentito, come poquito ... y duerme solito

- Walk slowly, eat little ... and sleep by your poor little self.

Bolivian proverb

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